Pleasant Hills Public School

Inspire Explore Achieve

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Higher Order Ways 2 Learn (HOW2Learn) – Knowing myself as a learner – Imagining

Students who know themselves as learners can picture or imagine how things might look, sound or feel.  They can draw their ideas as they are thinking about them.  They play with situations and possibilities and imagine their outcome.  They rehearse things in their mind before they do them.

Knowing myself as a learner - Questioning

Students who know themselves as learners ask questions to help them learn. They are not afraid to ask a question to show they are not sure. They know that not knowing is okay. These students like to get the full picture to help them understand deeply before drawing conclusions. These students ask questions constantly.

Knowing myself as a learner – Making Links

Students who know themselves as learners connect new ideas to things they think and know already and like to share these connections with others. They find pleasure in in seeing how things fit together and make patterns. They have lists of analogies in their memory to draw on when needed. These students use these links to help them through new, complicated situations.

Knowing myself as a learner – Reasoning

Students who know themselves as learners can give reasons for how they get to an answer. They can create logical arguments and can spot flaws in other people's arguments. They look for evidence before deciding to progress.

Knowing Myself as a Learner - Absorption

Students who know themselves as learners know how to become absorbed in their learning. Students who are absorbed get ‘in the flow' when they are learning. They may not notice the time passing or what is happening around them.  They feel a real sense of purpose to what they are doing and tasks often seem easier. They are satisfied with their learning.

Knowing myself as a learner – Planning

Students who know themselves as learners plan steps they may take when learning.  They have a clear idea of what they want to get out of their time. They access resources they may need to be organised.  They can anticipate things that might be blockers before they begin.  They write and follow their success criteria.  They use visuals to organise their thoughts.

Knowing myself as a learner – Distilling

Students who know themselves as learners take time to think about useful lessons that they have learnt. They can draw out important features of what they have learnt. They can prioritise the things worth remembering. They take time to think about things deeply over time.

Knowing myself as a learner – Meta-learning

Students who know themselves as learners think about how they can help themselves and are interested in becoming a better learner. They know their strengths and focus on areas to become a better learner. They seek feedback from others about their learning and are keen to discover ways to learn things more effectively.

Knowing myself as a learner – Imitation

Students who know themselves as learners watch other people and learn by copying them. They are willing to learn from others. They notice how people approach/learn things and imitate their actions. They can improve their physical skills and absorb ideas, strategies and thinking patterns by observing other people.

Knowing myself as a learner – Accountability

Students who know themselves as learners know that their choices and actions impact on the people around them. They are willing to stand up for what they think is right. They recognise that the choices of other people can impact negatively or positively upon the people around them. They feel a sense of responsibility to people around them.

Knowing myself as a learner – Capitalising

Students who know themselves as learners have ways of finding out when they don't know things. They call upon the strengths and expertise of others to help them understand more deeply. They make intelligent use of things that help their learning. They will use many different sources to help them learn – other people, books, internet, research papers etc.

– Knowing myself as a learner – Revising

Students who know themselves as learners look over their learning to see how they can improve it next time. They can change their position when they hear something that alters what they think, know or believe. They are OK about changing their mind when they have heard a better idea. They monitor how things are going and they are flexible and can change direction when things are not going right.

Knowing myself as a learner – Collaboration

Students who know themselves as learners know what it takes to learn as part of a team. They are aware of how they respond to other people and they manage their feelings when working with them. They respect other people's point of view even when they differ from their own. They share their ideas willingly with the group. They understand the rules of teamwork.

Knowing myself as a learner – Empathy and Listening

Students who know themselves as learners pay attention to other people's ideas, feelings and thoughts. They show they are actively listening by their eye contact and their body language. They can hear the feelings and thoughts behind people's actions and words and respond accordingly. They think about what it might feel like to be in another person's shoes.